Finding A Roommate

Using Georgetown University’s housing website, click on the “roommates” button to find potential roommates across GU campuses. Login with your Georgetown University NetID. If you have not received your NetID yet, create a guest account, and your access will be granted onto the website shortly after. You can filter your search according to roommate preferences, graduation year, university affiliation, etc. While it is helpful to search roommate profiles, it is also beneficial to create a roommate profile for yourself. This way, others may contact you while they search for a roommate.

Finding the right roommate(s) is as important, and in some ways as challenging, as finding a place to live. Living with others requires an understanding of the financial, legal, and personal matters that may come into play.

Please note that DC allows for 6 unrelated individuals to live in a house. Seven or more roommates in a home is illegal.

Roommate Tips

Establishing expectations and responsibilities upfront about sharing costs and chores is crucial to having a positive roommate experience. It’s a good idea to have a discussion with all of your roommates before you move in to clarify any concerns and expectations. You should make agreements about splitting rent, choosing bedrooms, paying for utilities, and if overnight guests are allowed.

Similar to on-campus living, it is advised that all roommates sign a written agreement outlining responsibilities so that everyone has something to refer back to throughout the year (you’d be surprised how easily you’ll forget verbal agreements). You may want to include the following:

Head of Household (HOH): The main contact for your landlord. Some leases require a HOH.
Rent: Determine amounts for each person and who will collect payment from all roommates and pay the landlord.
Utilities: Determine who is responsible for managing the bills and collecting payments from all roommates. 
Chores: Determine who is responsible for completing which chores, and how often

Overnight Guests: Determine if overnight guests are allowed, and how often
Ground rules: Such as “always lock the front door,” and so forth.
Roommate Replacements: In the event a roommate will study abroad or leave Georgetown, determine how much notice they must give the other roommates before moving out. Also, decide who is responsible for finding a replacement roommate.

Need help with a roommate conflict? While a roommate agreement can help you avoid roommate conflict, situations can arise that you didn’t expect. If you need help mediating a conflict with one of your roommates, ONL can facilitate the conversation. Email or call to schedule an appointment with your Community Director.